Ok... a quick affirmation of mine:
Nothing in my world is real
The meaning of everything
Is the meaning that I give it
I am who I say I am
And my experiences are what I say they are
And back again. Arthur. That's Arthur Pendragon, the King. Not necessarily yours but you've no doubt heard about him and his Warband. Yes yes THAT Arthur. Queue the usual tirade of abuse, yeah, yeah, heard it all before and for a long time too. Yes, you can detect a defencive tone but that's because I've had to put up with a lot of crap from so-called peace and lovers over the last decade. Shall I start again? Yeah... OK.
One day, a Q&A appeared on An Fianna (ironic considering the name meaning) where we were invited to ask Arthur questions. I can't honestly say I'd heard of him prior to that, I was fresh out of the spiritualist forums and had only just found the pagan brand. 'What's the stupidest question (other than this one) that you've ever been asked?' and 'Do you like Marmite?'. Can't remember the replies but I got to meet Arthur at the Beltaine Bash that year when he was doing a talk and said 'hi, I'm the one who asked you the stupid questions hahaha'.
Around this time, I visited the Warband website because I was intrigued. I started reading about this guy called Dylan who Arthur had been protesting with at Stonehenge. As I was reading it, I wanted to know this guy, to learn from him. I'd recently discovered my path and had no idea what it meant and this guy seemed like he could help. As I read on, I realised that I was crying. He was dead. I just knew he was gone! I got to the end of the article and there it was, he had died. I was gutted. And that's how I joined the Warband forum. A few years later I ended up being one of the admins on there. Oh how the playgans love to troll! This was all before Facebook too, so forums were always a hive of activity. I don't think I've been on a forum for months now, they used to be a huge part of my day and I made many friendships that still exist (mostly on Facebook).
I was raised under the sword of Britain, Summer Solstice 2007 at Avebury as a Warrior Priestess. It's a surreal thing being Knighted, really is. You'd think you'd feel a bit silly but it's like stepping into Time, caught in that moment of personal truth. Truth, Honour and Justice... I still stand by that oath. I've been the webmaster of the Warband website for more than five years now. In that the ten years I've been part of the Warband, I've seen many changes with those who surround Arthur. Unfortunately there has been a fair number of sycophantic wannabes who tried to undo all the hard work done. These once believers turn to haters and boy do they hate! Often there is absolutely no reason for any of it and they never forget, years later the same spite is still levied with the same ferocity. Like I said earlier, I've been on the brunt of many of these attacks because I stood by Arthur and wouldn't be bullied by those haters. And you know what, he stood by me too, he refused to be blackmailed and for that, I'll always respect him.
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Klasp The Moon protest at Stonehenge 18/12/13 Pic by Gee Davies |
I'm acutely aware this blog isn't flowing and that some of this will make no sense at all. It's difficult to put into words without going off into 'he said, she saids' which there are pages of (screenshots for prosperity and proof). So to sum up...
Arthur is my friend. He has a ridiculously silly laugh. Whenever I hear it, it makes me laugh and think 'you muppet'. I don't call him sire, my liege (bleh), King or any of that. He is just Arthur. Biker (I'm a biker too), Battle Chieftain, he has a strong heart and I believe in him. I believe in his ability to get things done, his passion for doing what's Right and for giving it everything he's got to do it. When he's wrong (not very often), I don't sugar coat it either! And that's what friends are for right? He's been loyal to me and that has earned my utmost respect and I'm fiercely loyal to those I love. That's as a friend, the king may well be a tart but don't believe everything you hear lol.
I'm supposed to give my pagan perspective on this. What does it all mean to me? As time goes on and with every blog I write for this project, I will open up more, reveal my spiritual path more (and I'm not a druid). I'm a bit guarded of it as I've been attacked in the past and I'd rather there wasn't a path label for you to pre-judge me. How bad is that?! I'm wary of revealing my path to other pagans for fear of bullying. Says it all really.
If I had to give my true thoughts on Arthur and his place on my path, it would be to say that Dylan drew me in for a reason. I think he wanted me to be part of the team, to travel with Arthur and the Warband up the paths we follow. Those paths aren't easy by any means, full of trials and it's hard work. There's no glory, no titles and nothing to gain, other than knowing I was part of something that was Right to do. I'm blessed with meeting many good people, who have big hearts and are generous with their love. People who are willing to fight for the land, for the rights of others to worship at our ancient temples (like Stonehenge), people who also believe in Arthur and everything that he is. Everyone has their faults. Everyone.
If you would like to find out about what I'm on about, you can check out the website for lots of information about Arthur, how he came to be on his path, past protests, what the Warband is up to these days with the Stonehenge bones picket, pictures, videos, there's a bardic corner and much more. It won't hurt, promise www.warband.org.uk
Pagan and Proud /|\
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Richard and Darren from the Testicle Tour visit Stonehenge. They weren't allowed in so they came over to pose with us. |
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