I'm well behind again! I've been chewing this over since my Justice blog. Then this month, something happened to my sister that really set my gears grinding and thinking about Karma. It's only thinking out loud really, I'm just going to put fingers to keyboard and see what happens.... much like my other blogs lol.
What is Karma?
From Sanskrit karman ‘action, effect, fate’.
(in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.
good or bad luck, viewed as resulting from one's actions.
I had a look on Google to see what I could find on what Karma is and there's endless popart dedicated to it. There are also Hindu and Buddhist websites that discuss it at length. Karma is very much part of the Buddhist way of life but it does say that Karma predates Buddhist teachings and originate in India. In the Hindu faith, there are three types of Karma. I'm not going into that here, but by all means, go and explore the definitions for yourself.
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Keanu is a practicing Buddhist |
So. Karma. If you're not Buddhist or Hindu, you pretty much think it's the answer to everything. Someone screws you over? Never mind, Karma will kick their arse. I think there's a bit of a cross over with the ol' three fold law too going on some of the stuff I found in Google images. Karma is seen as payback, as revenge for bad deeds done. It's a term banded about by every Tom, Dick and Harry and I doubt any of them really know what it is. They just think it's something they can curse at you 'I hope Karma kicks your arse' and the like. That's not what it's about. Not even remotely. That kind of attitude will only serve to have YOUR arse kicked by Karma for wishing ill right? That kind of attitude isn't a solution to the issues that have arisen. YOU are responsible for your own actions. YOU are accountable for your own deeds. YOU get what you think you deserve. If you attract wankers in your life, think about why that is? Sure, there's plenty of times in my life where I've been screwed over by people but I've had to look honestly at my part in that. What did I do to attract them? What lessons did I learn from it? Will I keep having to learn those lessons until it sinks in? Yeah! Cos that's Karma too.
In one script I read, it says about one person being very rich, whilst another suffers poverty. It says that Karma meters out a balance. It's a nice idea. But lets face it, how many people die every minute from starvation, murder, poverty... ? How many of the rich seem untouchable? If Karma was kicking arse, it would start there right? Alas that is not the way of this world.
Karma isn't Justice. Karma is Balance. Karma is Universal Law. Karma is Newton's law of Cause and Effect. What Karma isn't, is your bitch.
A warning from my own personal experience. I may have mentioned this in an earlier blog. When I started on this path a decade or so ago, I was told about Karma/three fold law. At this point in my life, I went through more in six months, than most do in two lifetimes. I wanted those people to pay for what they had done to me but I believed that by wishing them ill, it would bounce back to me. I really turned myself inside out with this! I was already in a bad place, but thinking that I'd get more unless I thought fluffy thoughts, made it a whole lot worse, caused a full nervous breakdown. I firmly believe that if someone has wronged you, that you tell them. If someone harms you, tell them. It's natural to want that person to suffer what they've done to you. When you do magical workings, you reflect back to the person, what they've done to you, the idea being that they will receive the pain they inflicted upon you. This is why it's best not to hex people when you're angry and hurting. You really have to think about it and that takes introspection.
Holding on to past hurts really does eat away at you too. Don't do it. I wish I could heed my own advice but I think I'm better at letting go of things these days, than I was 3 years ago. A friend once told me 'that guy who just cut you up on the road, the one you're ranting and raving about, the one you're still pissed off about an hour later, he's already forgotten you. Don't hold on to it.' I'm still not too hot on the forgiveness business. I will let it go, try and put aside the anger and move forward. I never forget though.. which means I've not really forgiven them doesn't it? I'm still working on that lol.
Karma isn't going to beat the shit out of you for being a wanker. Karma isn't going to give you the winning lotto numbers because you're down on your luck. Karma isn't the answer to your problems. Look inside, you'll find them but you really have to look inside and be HONEST, the only person you'll be lying to, is your self.
Peace y'all
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