Friday 31 October 2014

Truth and Trust

Week 40


Two very important things in this world, both once broken, can never be reclaimed.  A lot of pagans have this deep seated belief in being honourable, drawing from the romantic notions 'ye olde time's of chivalry etc.  Regardless of whether those old stories are true or not, there is no harm in implementing this ideal into your life.

What is truth though?  Truth is open to each person's own perception and three people could see it three different ways. We all have our own personal truth too.  But thinking in the terms of telling the truth, one of my biggest hates are liars.  Yes, there's having your own opinion on something, your own perception of events and then there's lying your arse off about it, in spite of the facts in front of you.  This all seems to follow on from my Stonehenge and Trolling blogs.... maybe I'm not done with my soapbox just yet lol.  I like to see things from all angles and gain other's perceptions where possible, to try and work out why they think and say as they do.

I swore an Oath for Truth, Honour and Justice. That Oath means something to me, it may been jack to you and others but to me, it's important.  I abhor liars, I do not mean those little white lies that save face or feelings but the big fat black lies that destroy.  My dad always said, you need to have a good memory to be a good liar. Forgetting the story you've woven, will unravel you.  People always find out the Truth in the end and then the Trust is broken.

"A lie is halfway around the world, before the truth has got it's boots on." - Terry Pratchett

Trust. You see all those Facebook memes about breaking trust and people share the shit out of that. Take the ones below.  Such a simple analogy but so very true.

There is nothing wrong with being too trusting. How can seeing the best in people, be bad?! It's not. As I say to many people as they are crying about how they were stupid to trust a person who'd betrayed them - "It's not you that's flawed, it's them. What did you do wrong other than believe in them as a decent person? Them doing this, shows them for what they really are, so the onus is on THEM, not YOU."  And I am not talking about being a gullible fool. Life is painful at times and one of the lessons you continue to learn throughout your whole life, is to deal with trust. There will always be someone in your life you love and trust, who then betrays you in some way. If you surround yourself with good people, it will still happen. 

The pagan world is a bitchy place. I think I have demonstrated how brutal it can be. They never forgive, they certainly never forget and the lies keep coming from the mouths of those who have long forgotten how to have beautiful eyes, lips and poise.  Their poison, poisons others. If you surround yourself with poison, you end up absorbing it too.  Crocodile smiles and knives in the back... be aware, protect yourselves, don't drink from the poison cup.  Know your truth, trust to a degree and SEE the world for it truly is.  Do not be afraid to walk away from a toxic group... even if they follow you and continue to attack you.  It is a true reflection of who they really are. That is what is meant by rising above it.  You do not need their validation to be a good person. You do not need to justify and defend yourself against these people. Who are they to make such demands?  No one of significance.

Toxic people are afraid of others knowing their own Truth i.e those who won't be herded into the poison pens like sheep.  In our pagan world, these toxic people are found preaching their 'knowledge' from behind a keyboard - playgan keyboard warriors.  Full of their own self importance, titles, bits of paper saying they are a member of this club or that.  Braggers and haters.  Poison, toxic people who want to influence your opinions, to gather you to them.  Robbing you of your own mind, your own truth, whilst under the illusion, the glamour, of 'friendship' and trust. Which is why it's always such a shock when they turn on you. You think they are your friends but you were more their friend, than they were to you. Having read through all those old messages for my Trolling blog, I saw me asking several times, what I'd done wrong, how I'd upset that person, how could I make it right... I hadn't done anything wrong, I could never make it right to them because they were not my friend, I was useful to them and then ceased to be, so was caste off. That's not friendship. There was no respect for me and you know, these people were those I looked up to as I started along my path, looking for guidance.

They taught me how be a better person, by not being anything like them.

I could easily tell you what people they were in my life but that wouldn't be right. It would make me as bad as them telling you who you can and cannot be friends with.  Don't listen to the rumours, those are always false in our world, instead listen to your gut - it's rarely wrong.  A decent person in the craft, won't need to tell you that they are High Priest/ess of XYZ order with a XYZ degree in whatever.... they won't need to brag or hide behind titles.  Why the need to try and impress you? Because they want to suck you in to their group, false friendship and control you.  I've seen it time and time again, in many different groups without our community.  Avebury, as much as I love the place, is a vipers nest. Tread carefully as you do with avoiding the sheep shit...

Know your Truth. Trust with a happy heart. That is my perception on it, thanks for reading. x

If you are so toxic, so full of poison, you absolutely believe the poison you spew is the Truth. There is no antidote - other than removing the toxic persons from your life - or a baseball bat in their face ;) lol

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