Week 16 .... I know, I know! It's really really late... soz!
I have a real thing for the Horned God. My first encounter with this figure was in 2000ad and Slaine, I think I was about 11 years old. I used to read the comic at the paper shop before going off on my rounds and the customer always got a well thumbed copy. Sacrilege, I know! hehehehe. As an adult, I continued my love of Slaine and his Celtic warrior world and the goddess stories, well before I knew the term 'pagan'. So it's fair to say that the horned one is well established in this life time.
In the stories of Slaine, he does the work of the goddess and in later tales, travels through time, becoming part of history, fighting the bad guys who are defiling the goddess ie the land. I've since read many Celtic mythology books and can see that Pat Mills (the writer of Slaine) has really done his homework. So those comics I read as a kid, were the real tales of ancient myths. Love it! Add in a healthy dose of sex and extreme violence (not at same time!) and I'm a happy puppy indeed.
He didn't think it too many |
There are many interpretations of our Horny one and I happily admit that I'm no scholar, so can't debate it really. I'm just a girl who loves what he embodies. Why? It's raw nature, it's base, it's it's it's life! That's the best you'll get out of me. I did have a Google on the subject and found some interesting sites you may wish to look at.
Who is Cernunnos? - some history and debate about origins etc in there. Also check out Celtic Myth podshow - loads of
links on the horned god and tonnes of other stuff.
I was sitting up my woods a few years back and was meditating. I was given a vision of a black stag human head in the big beech tree opposite. I'm no artist but I tried to transfer this vision from my mind to paint and this is the result. The shapes of the branches/roots were symbolic to the vision I had, all to to do with the tree of life.
said it wasn't brill ... |
A few years later, I asked my friend to tattoo his interpretation of this on to me. This was the result:
Crow outline was already there... first sitting |
Gonna get some more added to this |
And then there's my motorbike......
Slaine travels through time, in this saga he's Robin Goodfellow - spirit of the wood |
Petrol tank |
Side of the tank |
Mudguard |
Seat unit/tail piece |
Damn right! |
So there you go... not very informative but if you want that, click the links in the text.
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