Sorry this is late. I've been out of commission these last couple of weeks due to having the operation on my knees. Sitting at the computer was too painful. Still hurts a bit now but when you have to write, you have to write. So here's a very late E.
E is for... energy healing
I am a healer. I can't remember exactly when I discovered this but it's been for most of my life. I trained with the SNU church for a couple of years and they have a certain way of doing things. I was told you weren't allowed to give clairvoyance during healing. They also wanted you to work through the chakras. I soon realised that this is not how I work.
I'm not sure if this is the correct term, but I am a visual healer. That means that I am drawn to a certain area that needs healing. Whilst healing after a Sunday service at the SNU church, the young woman was sitting down with her eyes closed. I had my hands hoovering over her sides when I was drawn to her stomach (sacral) area. I could see nodules on her ovaries and I received some other information about babies and a miscarriage. So I gave it to her gently.. and you do have to be gentle when passing on sensitive information like loss. She confirmed she had polycystic ovaries and validated the other things I'd said. She was genuinely surprised as it was her first time at the church and it had been things she'd been thinking of that day, an anniversary was coming up and it was playing on her mind.
Generally, this is how I work. My hands heat up, my eyes 'find' the area that needs healing and I either go hands on or hoover above. I like to test people too. I ask them to close their eyes and tell me where they think my hands are. I hoover my hands at least 4 inches over them and every single time, they've been able to tell me where my hands are. Energy is felt. I am the vessel channeling this energy through me and into them. I don't know how I do it, I just know that it happens. How would I describe what it feels like? Hmmm, that's a toughie. My eyes are closed, images come from the darkness behind my eyes. I get a sense of something, it's probably spirit giving information, I can't give 'platform' clairvoyance yet. My hands tingle. I imagine the energy passing into them, washing away the negative energy from that area and then imagine it drawn down into the earth and dispersed. I'm usually in an altered state when I do healing. It kinda just switches on. I give my hands a good shake and wipe off anything I've drawn out. I read Betty Shine's books years ago and love her way of describing healing. It was before I'd got the internet and when I did get online and looked her up, she'd sadly passed a year before. When I read her website and all the words of condolence, I bawled, it really had felt like I had known her through her books. I definitely recommend reading
her books to anyone who's doing healing or clairvoyance. It's so simply written and
honest. Would you look at that... she passed away on the 26th March 2002, which is tomorrow..blimey 12 years already.
Remote healing is just as valid as 'hands on'. With the invention of the internet, first their came msn groups and forums. I remember being on Spiritualists Open Circle and doing remote healing for members in the group. Private messaging giving readings. People dismiss the ability to give readings over the phone or electronically but some of the best ones I've done have been this way.
Oh yeah, the healer always needs healing themselves, usually too busy helping others, than helping themselves. It is important to not to give too much of yourself or you end up drained, ill and taking on the person's ailments.
The news
I don't know about you but watching all the terrible things in this world, does me in. If there is a missing person or there's an accident, I will know if they are alive or dead. Quite simply, I get an almighty chill through my body. This also applies to friends on my Facebook who post up about a friend or family member that is ill or been in an accident. If I go cold, I know that they will pass over soon. Of course, you can't tell people this because it's not the right thing to do. In those cases, I will light a candle and send them healing to accept the transition and pass over peacefully with minimal pain. Nothing wrong with hope. In other cases where they are ill/injured and I don't go cold, I will comment positively and light the candle and send them some zapp. I have only been proven wrong once (so far) and that was when my friend Doro was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I went cold. I cried and cried, such a lovely person and I didn't want her to die. A group of us did remote healing once a week at a certain time and I sent her everything I had, as did others. I even got my drum off the wall and tranced out on the gentle beat. I had given her 18 months but that was 5 or 6 years ago now. Her condition was very serious, when I say she was told she would have to have a hysterectomy and then when they went to do it, realised the cancer had spread too far, they wouldn't do it. She had radiotherapy (that left her with a host of digestive issues) and was also self-medicating with homeopathy. I truly believe that the combination of her treatment, her positive attitude and our healing, she not only beat her cancer but was totally clear of it. She has been given the all clear for these last 5 years, something the doctors are still baffled by.
I have in the past, been able to predict when a missing person has died and some times even been given information about how. It's not like you can broadcast this stuff, so when your prediction is proved correct, so I write it down and tell a friend about it and then pray I'm wrong, I don't like being right about this stuff. I could give examples but I really don't want it to look like I'm blowing my own trumpet here because that's the furthest from what I'm trying to do. There's some high profile cases that I have been right about and I'll happily tell you about them in person but it seems wrong to publish it on a blog. But I will share this one with you.
It was 2005, a young woman called Joanne had gone missing around Valentines day. Her boyfriend was on the news begging her to come home. I went cold and then I was visited by her. I had never encountered this kind of thing before. I didn't know what to do. She wouldn't leave me alone. She kept showing me things and wanted me to contact the police about her case. I must have spent a week crying from the grief and how distraught this spirit was in. So I did it, I rang the police force dealing with the case. Ever done that? Ever rang up and given information from spirit to the police before? OMG! It went something like this: 'Hi, I need to speak to the team dealing with the case of the missing woman from Hull. Please don't think I'm a nutter because I've never done this before but this woman won't leave me alone. She's told me that there's a big bin behind a restaurant, something like New Hong Kong and there's stuff inside that he's hidden, a rug I think. He boyfriend has killed her, he's a big CSI fan, he thinks he knows forensics and got away with it. Her body is in a shallow dell, there's water and she's covered in leaves. She hasn't told me where, that's all. Please don't think I'm crazy' and the whole time crying. Horrible horrible horrible and even now, I'm welling up at the memory. The officer was nice about it, she said thanks, took my details and I never heard anything from them. The woman left me after I'd made the call, I asked my guides to come down and help her cross over.
I was living in Letchworth in 2005. This woman had lived in Hull. I moved to Yorkshire 3 years ago. Last year, I suddenly started thinking about her and what had happened. So I Googled it. Every hair stood up and I was in tears again. I found the news report of when they had found her body. It was in a location that was very much like I had described. I want to go to those woods... I need to finish the job, I don't think she's at rest. He had stopped for fuel with her body in the boot of his car at my (now) local petrol station! Her body was found a few miles from where I now live! Whilst typing this up, I had a quick search for the story so I could link it and found some things that bought it all back. It seems that the information I passed on was accurate. I can't say why she came to me in the first place but it freaked me out enough for me to 'shelve' myself until I was ready to deal with it. It's a big responsibility and I wasn't ready for it.
Back inside his house he used string to tie together the hands and feet of the lifeless Joanne. He then bundled her body into bin liner bags and secured them with tape."
Dyson drove from Hull to Howden to fill up with petrol and from there took the body 75 miles away, to isolated woodland near Hovingham in North Yorkshire, where he carried her body around 250 yards until he found a concealed dip in the pine trees.
Other links to the story.
Daily Mail Telegraph BBC Mirror Guardian
I really feel the urge to find out more, to go to the place she was buried and see what else needs to be done. She did after all, chose me to pass on the message. I didn't realise until this moment, what that meant and I'm honoured that my light reached out to her. RIP Joanne x
Another thing I just realised. There's the same age difference between her and her killer boyfriend as there was between me and my ex. My ex was a psycho and abusive too. He also also into martial arts, body building and thought he was a big hard man. She even has the same coloured hair as me.... maybe that's why she chose me............ oh man, that really has got me thinking now =o((